Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Kadrush Shijaku

As one of the famous entrepreneurs locally, Kadrush Shijaku always finds time to give and share ideas for new entrepreneurs. Relying in just one business is not what a person like him suggest. It is always good do make more than 1 source of income. Basically, based on his ideas, you as entrepreneurs, should always seek to achieve to a point where you will be independent from one business. So even if the first business will start to slow down, you will get income sources from other businesses.

Remember this tree golden rules for young entrepreneurs from Kadrush Shijaku:

1. Time is Money - Use it: 
Well, i hear a lot of young guys saying that, it is not possible to make money, it is not possible to be successful in a business journey, or it is not possible to be successful in any life journey. Let's make it clear, We only have 24 hours, we have to use this 24 hours in the best possible way that we can. If we sleep 8 Hours a day, enjoy life for 4 Hours, we have still left 12 hours to work hard and be successful. Remember, only good things are limited, so it is our day, it has only 24 hours.

2. Be Serious:  
As most of young businessman, as they start to make money, they start to forget that you need to be declined in business. If you are not serious on your business you will start to fail. So always be serious in any business journey.

3. Give Back: 
Whatever you do in life, whatever you get in life, try to give at least 10% of it back to peoples who need it. Believe me that this will help you be more successful. Peoples are always in need of things, so help them whenever you can.

Working hard, managing your time, becoming disciplined and giving back to others, is what Kadrush Shijaku suggest peoples to do, in order to become more successful in business, life, or whatever journey they start.

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